Lesson 1
Table of Contents:
Detail Leader
Chain of Command
1. Mission
To PREVENT harm to the Lead Pastor, children, and congregation, and be PREPARED to PROTECT and RESPOND in an emergency.
2. Credentials
Members should provide the Director with photocopies of any relevant and up to date certifications and licenses (e.g. Basic First Aid, NYS Pistol Permit, NYS Security Guard License, etc.).
3. Commitment
You are encouraged to serve at least one (1) weeknight (e.g. prayer meeting) per month and one (1) Sunday (both the 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM services or the 12:30 PM service) per every three (3) to four (4) weeks, for a period of no less than six (6) months.
If you cannot make a shift, you are to contact your teammates directly for coverage.
4. Training
Various online and in-person trainings will be offered once every four (4) to eight (8) weeks. Team members are encouraged to participate in these trainings.
5. Organization
The Security Ministry will be organized into groups; preferably with one (1) Shift Leader, one (1) Detail Leader, one (1) Medical Personnel and at least five (5) additional “Security Guards” in each group.
Each group will have a designated contact person known as the “Shift Leader.” Each Shift Leader remains consistent each week.
The Detail Leader of each group is responsible for Dignitary Protection or Lead Pastoral Protection. The Detail Leader will be chosen within each group and is subject to change each week.
6. Detail Leader
The Detail Leader’s main objective is to shield the Principal (e.g. Lead Pastor) with his/her body and/or to physically move the Lead Pastor (hereinafter referred to as “Pastor”) to safety. When the Pastor is moving, the Detail Leader is to be approximately an arm’s length away, looking at people’s hands and eyes, and listening for radio communications. The goal is to be inconspicuous yet close enough to respond in an emergency. If the Pastor is preaching, the Detail Leader is encouraged to stand near or on the alter, towards whichever side the Pastor is on. If the Pastor is sitting, the Detail Leader is encouraged to sit behind the Pastor.
7. Chain of Command
With regards to security related information, the Pastor should communicate directly with the Director. The Director should communicate directly with each Shift Leader, and each Shift Leader should communicate directly with his/her group members, and vice versa.
This chain of command should be followed with regards to security related information unless there is just cause or an imminent danger.
8. Presence
Presence is a deterrent. Your professional appearance may prevent someone from misbehaving.
Suggested attire:
Long hair tied back, minimal jewelry, dark blazer and slacks or jeans, lapel pin, no ties (unless a breakaway tie) and rubber bottomed laced-up dress shoes. Consider having a cell phone, handheld flashlight, multi-purpose tool, “tactical” pen, notepad, plastic gloves, tourniquet and tourniquet holder.
Suggested posture:
Head up and on a swivel with eyes open: Team members should not close their eyes or bow their heads in prayer while performing Security Ministry duties. For the most part, Security, other than the Detail Leader, should not be focused on the Pastor (as he is not a potential threat).
Stand with your backside towards the wall, if possible, in an athletic position. Hands should be in front, in a natural, but ready position (e.g. folding/cupping hands at waist level) and not inside your pockets or behind you.
What’s next? Duties (Lesson 2)