Lesson 2
Table of Contents:
Instructions for surveillance monitors
Instructions for lights
1. Duties:
Serve with a spirit of excellence:
Arrive approximately thirty (30) minutes before your shift begins.
Radio-up; it is suggested to use the headsets, especially in the Sanctuary.
Obtain any relevant information, positions and responsibilities from your Shift Leader (e.g. who will protect the offering [in accordance with NYS Penal Law Article §35]).
Perform advance work:
Utilize surveillance monitors (see below for instructions), and
perform a perimeter sweep and walkthrough to create and maintain a safe environment (e.g. keep unused doors locked, make sure fire extinguishers are not blocked, etc.). Acknowledge visitors to make them aware that you are aware. Criminals prefer the path of least resistance.
Use situational awareness to identify anything that is out of the ordinary and prevent potential problems.
Be aware of your surroundings:
What is around you (e.g. exits, fire pulls, potential weapons, cover/concealment, etc.)?
Who is around you (e.g. a threat, disabled person, a child with an unrelated adult, etc.)?
What are the people doing? Be aware of their hands.
Where are the people located within the building (e.g. where are the disabled people sitting, where are the children, where are any registered sex offenders)?
Do not leave your post without notifying your Shift Leader.
Any non-emergency related texting or phone calls should be done at break.
Prevent and minimize any disturbances during a service/event by addressing them in a professional, calm, and controlled manner.
Communicate clearly and concisely over the radios.
Respond in accordance with your skill set and training; get help, if appropriate.
Work in pairs to prevent any accusations: No teammate should be alone with any unrelated child, and/or anyone else’s personal property or offering.
Shift Leader determines when the shift has ended (e.g. after service has finished and Pastor has left the Church premises).
Once the shift has ended, each teammate should turn off their radio, return it to a charger (facing the proper direction) and hang up their headset. Each teammate is responsible for properly caring for the team’s equipment.
Whichever Security Ministry member is last to leave the Security office should turn off the surveillance monitors, turn off the appropriate lights (see below for instructions), lock the appropriate interior doors (e.g. classrooms/offices), and secure the perimeter of the building (e.g. pull on each door, including the upstairs door near classroom 205, the side door near position #1 and the front doors to ensure the doors are completely closed).
2. Instructions for surveillance monitors:
Each surveillance monitor has a power switch on the right side (towards the bottom). Note: You may need to use the power button on the remote control, or in the lower right rear corner of each monitor. The code to unlock each monitor is as follows: (move each mouse in one [1] continuous motion).
To enlarge a view: double click on that view; then double click it again to go back to the original size.
To turn on the tablet, hold the power button in the top right corner. The code to unlock the tablet is #294294 and the app is “IVMS-4500.”
Select the circle menu icon for “Devices” then select “Reach1” or “Reach2” and then press “Start Live View” at the bottom. “Reach1” has inside views and “Reach2” has outside views.
To turn off the tablet, press the button at the bottom/center, then hold the top right button, select “power off” then select “power off” again.
3. Instructions for lights:
Consider turning off the lights in each room, and in:
Each bathroom
The hallway where the AED is located:
The light switch is located at the top of the stairwell, outside of the Translation office.
The main area:
There are two (2) light switches located in the closet in the Café area (formerly known as classroom 105). You can use a broomstick to reach the higher switch (controls the larger lights). The switch towards the left side of the picture below is for the hallway lights near the Nursery. Do not touch the circuit breakers.
Pendant lights and upstairs lights:
There is a light switch located in the closet of classroom 204.
Sanctuary lights:
Located behind the stage (the box/ control panel second from the left, press button #5) and use the light switch over by the stage door, if necessary.
Alternatively, to turn on the lights, you would press buttons one (1) through four (4), not five (5) on the same control panel, and possibly use the light switch over by the stage door.Located behind the stage (the box/ control panel second from the left, press button #5) and use the light switch over by the stage door, if necessary.
What’s next? ___ (Lesson 3)