Active Shooter Safety Tips for Houses of Worship and Schools

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Countering the Mass Shooter Threat: A Comprehensive Playbook for Every House of Worship, School, Business and Family in America

The USCCA Community Giving Program generously donated copies of Countering the Mass Shooter Threat: A Comprehensive Playbook for Every House of Worship, School, Business and Family in America to my Church Security teammates.

Special Considerations for Houses of Worship

As Director of Safety and Security for my church, I was pleasantly surprised to see “Special Considerations for Houses of Worship” had its own section! I was grateful that author Michael Martin showed us how to apply general active shooter safety tips to Houses of Worship because churches have unique challenges (e.g., exterior doors that are open on Sundays, strangers are welcome, etc.).

Special Considerations for Schools

There is a similar section titled “Special Considerations for Schools” which was thorough and thought provoking. It includes a School Security Checklist, What Teachers Should Know, What Parents Should Know and more!

Being Proactive

The author analyzes statistics and facts gathered from 48 mass shootings in America (e.g., Columbine, Virginia Tech, New Life Church, etc.). The real-life examples are invaluable to learn from, and show the importance of being proactive, promptly ending the threat and rendering immediate care to victims. 

This book is especially helpful for leaders implementing an active shooter plan, schoolteachers, and children’s church volunteers planning ways to keep their students safe in the classroom.

Rendering Immediate Care To Victims

An active shooter plan includes having quality emergency medical supplies and knowing how to use them. According to this book, the average mass shooting lasts nine minutes and it will be even longer before EMS Personnel are cleared to make entry. Severe bleeding must be treated within a few minutes. “Whether a victim lives or dies may be more dependent upon the treatment provided by other, less critically injured victims rather than what the professional rescuers do when they arrive on the scene minutes later.” This book has a section on triage and treating the wounded, and covers how to apply compression bandages, tourniquets, chest seals and more!

If you are a leader of a House of Worship or SCHOOLteacher then Countering the Mass Shooter Threat: A Comprehensive Playbook for Every House of Worship, School, Business and Family in America can help you protect good from evil and save CHILDRENS lives!


You may also be interested in reading the following blog posts:

  1. 10 Amazon Finds: Childrens Books About Safety

  2. Would You Like to Know How to Save a Life with a Tourniquet?

  3. Developing a Church Security Plan to Protect the Children's Ministry

  4. Best Background Checks for Church Volunteers and Employees

  5. Heart Health: Choosing The Best AED For Your Church

If you know a church leader or schoolteacher that would benefit from this information, then please share this blog post with them!


About the Author: Lori Corini is an attorney admitted to practice law in the state of New York, an NRA Pistol Instructor and Range Safety Officer, a NYS licensed armed guard, and Director of Safety and Security and a Board Member at her Church.


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