Amazon Finds: Concealed Carry Clothing and Purses for Women
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Carrying concealed can be challenging for women; wearing the right concealed carry CLOTHING OR purse can help!
When I first started carrying concealed, I wore baggy and unflattering clothing. Overtime, I have learned how to dress more fitted, feminine and fashionable, while carrying a firearm!
There is a firearm concealed in each of the above depicted outfits!
Below, I will share some concealed carry fashion tips for women and create some fashionable concealed carry outfits with products available on Amazon for you to enjoy!
Concealed Carry Purse:
A versatile option is a concealed carry purse (shown in red above)!
If you would prefer to carry your firearm inside a concealed carry purse, then you may want a smaller, cross-body style purse, so it is easier to keep your purse on your body.
If you want more storage, then there are larger concealed carry purses, totes, and backpacks available!
Concealed Carry Holsters for Women:
There are a lot of variables when it comes to selecting an inside the waistband (IWB) holster (e.g., which model firearm you are carrying, which side on your body you are carrying it on, if it has a weapon mounted light, whether or not you want a built-in magazine carrier or a wing, if you will be wearing a belt, etc.).
To keep it simple, below are belly band holsters you can use with more than one model firearm!
A concealed carry corset is being worn under each of the sweaters depicted above, and holster shorts or a garter holster are being worn under the skirts depicted above.
Concealed Carry Clothing for Women
Concealed Carry Tops:
Patterned tops, tops with knots or twists, and looser or peplum tops can help to avoid printing (seeing the outline of your firearm under your clothing) around your waistline.
Accessories and embellishments (e.g., lace detail, or cold shoulder) can help to divert attention up and away from the location where you are concealing your firearm.
Concealed Carry LEGGINGS, Pants and SKIRTS:
Concealed Carry Leggings:
Concealed carry leggings have built in holsters and are versatile! Make sure your concealed carry leggings are compatible with your model firearm and the hand you draw from concealment with.
Concealed Carry Pants and Skirts:
If you choose to carry your firearm inside your waistband (IWB), then consider mid-rise and high-rise pants and jeans for concealed carry purposes. Depending on your body type, having the firearm higher and tighter to your body may make it easier for you to conceal.
If you wear a Belly Band Holster, then you may prefer a low-rise pant or jeans for accessibility.
If you wear the Garter Holster (depicted above) then you may prefer a longer A-line or accordion shaped skirt.
Additional Concealed Carry Options:
Other options available for concealed carry include concealed carry fanny packs, concealed carry chest packs and concealed carry jackets.
You may not think of shoes when you think of concealed carry. However, God forbid you were ever involved in a self-defense situation, you would probably prefer to be wearing sneakers, flats or booties than ultra-high heels!
Some additional concealed carry tips:
When choosing which firearm to carry, consider reliability, its size, weight, caliber (ammunition) and magazine capacity (how many rounds it can carry).
When choosing where to carry your firearm (e.g., inside the waistband, concealed carry handbags, etc.) some factors to consider are your body type, comfort, concealment and accessibility.
I hope these FASHION TIPS AND ITEMS AVAILABLE ON AMAZON help you carry concealed!
What Concealed Carry fashion tips for women do you have? Comment below!
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If you know a woman who is interested in concealed carry clothing and purses, then please share this blog post with her!
About the Author: Lori Corini is an attorney admitted to practice law in the state of New York, an NRA Pistol Instructor and Range Safety Officer, a NYS licensed armed guard, and Director of Safety and Security and a Board Member at her Church.