Would You Like To Know How To Save A Life With A Tourniquet?
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Rescue Essentials has PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), portable medical kits, and emergency medical supplies.
Would You Like To Know How To Save A Life With A Tourniquet?
Top 2 Reasons Why You Should Want To Know How To Save A Life With A Tourniquet:
Self-preservation, and
to save lives (especially your loved ones).
What Is A Tourniquet For?
A Tourniquet is used to stop bleeding from limbs (e.g., an arm or a leg) when bleeding cannot be controlled by direct pressure.
Which Tourniquet Is Best?
If you are only going to have one Tourniquet, I would recommend the Combat Application Tourniquet (CAT) (Generation 7) by North American Rescue (NAR) because they are easier for one handed or self-application.
How To Apply A CAT NAR Tourniquet?
1. Wear gloves. Your safety comes first! (You may want a glove pouch).
2. Is the wound easily identifiable?
If so, then place the CAT Tourniquet 2-3 inches above the wound (not over a joint).
If the wound is not easily identifiable, then place the CAT Tourniquet “high and tight” on the injured limb (not over a joint).
3. Remove as much slack as possible.
4. Tighten/twist the windlass rod until all bleeding has stopped.
5. Secure the windlass rod into a windlass clip.
6. Place the extra Velcro over the windlass rod and in between the windlass clips.
7. Secure everything into place with the windlass strap. You can write the time of application on the windlass strap with a marker.
What Happens Next?
If the CAT Tourniquet is applied properly, it is going to be painfully tight, the bleeding should have stopped, and you should not be able to feel a pulse on the wrist or foot below.
If the bleeding does not stop or a distal pulse is present, consider additional tightening or applying a second Tourniquet, directly above or below (and touching) the first Tourniquet. (You may want to have 2 CAT Tourniquets).
After the bleeding has stopped, check for and treat any exit wound(s).
Your goal is to keep as much blood as possible in the body.
To prevent hypothermia (low body temperature), you can use an emergency blanket to keep the person warm (which will help their blood to clot).
Do not cover the Tourniquet with the blanket.
Use a multi-tool or trauma shears, etc. to cut a hole into the blanket, for the windlass rod to stick out of, so Emergency Responders know that a Tourniquet has been applied.
Do not take the Tourniquet off once it is on.
The time limit to keep a Tourniquet on is about 6 Hours. In most situations, Emergency Responders will take over well within that time limit.
Practicing With a CAT Trainer Tourniquet:
Practicing with the Tourniquet, you would use in an emergency, will decrease the tensile/tension strength of the material. That may cause it not to work as effectively in an emergency. As such, you should train with a dedicated NAR Combat Application Tourniquet (CAT) Blue Trainer (GENERATION 7).
Self Application:
For self-application, you must get the Tourniquet on (and stop the bleeding) before possibly passing out, and/or bleeding out. If the Tourniquet is in the trunk of your car and you are inside of a building, you are at a major disadvantage. It would be best if the Tourniquet is within your reach.
Tourniquet Holders:
This Tourniquet Holder can be worn discreetly (horizontally) on a belt and under a blazer.
This CAT Tourniquet (All Generations) Holder is great for the Target Shooting Range:
Folding The CAT Tourniquet:
Below is my favorite way to fold the CAT NAR Tourniquet, before placing it into a holder, so that it is ready for quick application in an emergency:
(Depicted below is a folded CAT Tourniquet in a Tourniquet Holder sitting next to a Glove Pouch).
“He went to him and bandaged his wounds… and took care of him” Luke 10:34.
I pray the above information equips you to save a life with a CAT Tourniquet!
You may also want to check out these Emergency Medical Supplies!
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If you know someone that would be interested in learning to apply a Tourniquet, then please share this blog post with them!
About the Author: Lori Corini is an attorney admitted to practice law in the state of New York, an NRA Pistol Instructor and Range Safety Officer, a NYS licensed armed guard, and Director of Safety and Security and a Board Member at her Church.
Disclaimer: This content is for information purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
Rescue Essentials has PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), portable medical kits, and emergency medical supplies.
Would you like to know how to save a life with a CAT Tourniquet? This post provides basic instructions of how to apply a CAT Tourniquet and to stop a limb from bleeding in a medical emergency. There are also direct links to quality CAT Tourniquets, Trainer Tourniquets, Tourniquet Holders and more! Do not wait! Learn how to save a life with a CAT Tourniquet now!