How to Get a Full Carry Permit in Westchester County, NY
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How to get a Full Carry Permit in Westchester County, NY
After the law changed on September 1, 2022, the two most common types of pistol/ revolver licenses in Westchester County became the Premise license and the Concealed Carry license.
The Premise license authorizes the holder to possess a handgun at a certain location, such as their home or place of business.
The Concealed Carry license, also known as a Full Carry permit, authorizes the holder to carry a pistol or revolver on their body or person.
If you are going to apply for a Premise or Concealed Carry license in Westchester County, then you need to complete a Westchester County pistol permit application. The forms that make up the application are available on the Department of Public Safety’s website. Scroll down to where it says, “If you are applying for the first time for a NYS Pistol License.” Do not forget to include the appropriate attachments including, but not limited to, the NYS Firearms License Request for Public Record Exemption.
If you would prefer help completing the Westchester County pistol permit application, and/or preparing any letters of explanation, the Corini Law Office may be able to help you!
AMENDment to full carry
If you already have a restricted pistol license in Westchester County, and want to amend to a Full Carry permit, then you can submit the following forms and fee to the Westchester County Clerk Licensing Division:
State of New York Firearms License Amendment form (PPB-5) (in duplicate),
Authorization for Release of Personal Information (before a notary),
Affidavit: Receipt of Penal Law §400.00(18) Notifications, and
$3.00 fee payable to the Westchester County Clerk.
Certificate of Completion from required 16 Hour + 2 Hour Live Fire Course.
If you are applying for a Full Carry permit or amending to Full Carry in Westchester County, then you will need to complete a 16-hour (plus 2 hours of live-fire) firearm safety and use course.
The 16-hour firearm safety and use course is available at several locations, such as American Legion Adolph in Valhalla, and Artemis Shooting Sports & Training Academy (formerly known as Blueline Tactical) in Elmsford.
In Westchester County, you will be required to attend an in-person interview with a Judge/ Licensing Officer if you apply for or amend to Full Carry.
If you want help with a pistol permit application or amendment for a Full Carry permit in Westchester County, or preparation for your interview then complete this form to see if you are eligible for an appointment at the Corini Law Office!
If you know anyone who wants a pistol license in Westchester County, NY then please share this blog post with them!
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About the Author: Lori Corini is an attorney admitted to practice law in the state of New York, an NRA Pistol Instructor and Range Safety Officer, a NYS licensed armed guard, and Director of Safety and Security and a Board Member at her Church.